Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It seems to me that we humans have been living a life of a schizophrenic. We have been living not just in two split personalities but maybe many more than that. We get up everyday and that is the time that we are closest to our true being. We feel the warmth within ourselves and we feel that soft gentle happiness inside of us. But as the day progresses our true self gets buried under layers n layers of expectations.

We are expected to behave in a certain defined manner. There is a code on the way you speak, there is another code that tells you that there are things in life you cannot have. Even if you know that doing something will give you immense pleasure, you are torn between what is right and what is wrong.

Take for example the most basic human need. “Sex”. I believe that it is the sweetest, most remarkable emotion that we humans can experience, that one moment, that one single second in which we feel infinite happiness and bliss. In that moment there is no inhibition no holding you back. But how many people even think of it in those terms. A million inhibitions are tied onto this particular emotion, you cannot talk about it, you cannot discuss it, as if it’s a remorseful mortification of human caricature.

I have seen married couples who were infinitely in love with each other a few months back, being torn between lives, expectation, and such shit. Slowly all of them move into a kind of inertial life where they are just spending time with each other. There is no erotic feeling when your spouse touches you; there is no feeling of content. I do not think I am given the tools to understand why people complicate there lives so much……..

Maybe someday I really will…….


Anonymous said...

Pallavi Sharma said...

Do not confuse need/want with emotion. People can and do have sex even w/o emtions. That's the reason restrictions were put in place (possibly to avoid forced sex). I believe it was a very natural need like food, air, and water in our primitive days. Animals follow a breeding cycle/season, maybe even we did. But as the "thinking" person grew, it graduated from a need to a want. Emotions leading into sex came much later. Then came the sudden, uncontrolled urges, which probably made it an unpleasant experience, possibly leading to social problems. Possibly triggering further needs and wants (as depicted in Samsara or mentioned and Siddhartha); aother reason why some people chose and preached celibacy. It is just like any other religious ritual/rule set and followed over the years. But then, since we doubt the intentions/reasons behind so many others, why not against abstinence. Go ahead, make a dig! It's just like any other personal choice you make. Nothing to make a big fuss out of. Though most of us tend to, at most occasions.