Well, i have said this a million times, that i write only when a certain idea hits me so hard that i HAVE tu put it into words....i wait for a million years and try to strangle the idea but the urge still grows stronger.
Well, this time the credit goes to Vishal.
A few days back, he told me that "Rohit, why is it that not many people like you?". at that time i did not have the answer but then the seed had been planted. and ever since i have been thinking, why is it people do not like me? Why is that most of the people scorn at the mention of my name?
Now the reason why i am writing this is that when i write is the time when my thoughts become clear even to me.
So, what makes people like people? Or what is it that people DO NOT like about people, and how much do i care what others think of me?
I guess the root of evil here is that all the people who know you and all the people that come in contact with you, expect you to behave in a certain DEFINED manner. Now who decides this manner. the answer to this is, Expectations. i guess the only way to be most popular is meet the expectations of the masses. Become what they want you to become. Change yourself according to sll the people you meet. Change yourself to what is cool in the society. Change according to what THEY think is "HEP"!
But do i want to change myself. i dun think so. To me it does not matter what others or anyone thinks of me. Yes! i am too selfish in that respect. If you change so much everyday, what happens to "YOU". What happens to that inner self that you have nurtured for such a long time. I guess the universe would be so much more beautiful if people understood, that our motive in this life time is to attain perfection. And to do that the best virtue is to help each other reach that ultimate dream that one wishes to attain for himself. Not to change what he already is!!!!!
Today i have to say that i live for myself. people come into my life and people teach me things. That happens all the time, i learn from them. I help Them reach there dreams but i say here, that i do not give them any right to even a single minute of my life. i do not give them the liberty to even change one micron in my life. Yes they can grow with me, yes! they can learn from me and we can forever be together.
I have not made many friends in my life, but the ones i have made, never cease to make me feel proud of them. They are the people who hold something, Anything sacred in there lives and they NEVER i mean it, they NEVER give up. They have found what they love in there lives and they are chasing that. it does not matter to them what is cool or hep, what matters to them is what they want. And they are on there way to attain perfection.
Pallavi, if you are reading this, then i am sure u know what i mean. Swapnil, she has found herself and she is chasing it top speed. And i love her for that. Prem, who has been my brother since childhood, has never let go of his dreams. there are so many people i know that i can mention here, who have lived for what they hold sacred in there lives.
i guess there is so much to say on this and right now i have to get back to my studies, but yes i will surely continue with this, and will try to mention some people i have met, who changed so much that nothing of any value remained in them
i hope you know what i mean!!!!
Change is the only constant in life. Seems a paradox here, but I'll try to explain how it complements what you said here. Will take some time to write it, and I'll do it on my blog, or my comment would become longer than your entry :D You did a good job and you sure can write better than this, it's just a matter of having more time to express ALL that's on your mind.
Just few words explain what all i think on this topic:
Survival of the Fittest...
At every point of time one needs to learn, from those who like.. n also from those who DisLike...
Mr. Anonymous, survial does not mean that you compromise everything inside of you.
perfection can be attained without sacrifising your ideals.....
learning is one thing and compromising is another.
And there are people who prefer perishing to survival as someone other than what they are. You may call them foolish, but they beg to differ, and are rather proud of it. Coz they know what matters to them... the most. Others are just insects who just want to survive without knowing why :D
hey there satan,
m phrasing this for the umpteenth time...i have tried to b polite but everytime i fail....lemme try again...
u r a real gem of a person,u know that n the people who matter to u know it...
its not that people hate u...its jus that they cant like u coz u r better than them....
let those a**h***s eat shit....dont even bother to think that who the hell says what bout u...i know u dont give a damn...but still.....carry on with life man...n writing does have a +ve effect....iaopened my blog in jan 2005 (if m right)but forgot it until came across urs...n c...here i m writing...it soothes u man...jus pour down ur feelings...its all nice...
n my word to all those who hate u or think bad bout u
"listen u all,get this n get this straight,ROHIT VERMA is a nice person n if u r not a friend of him,u r missing the most beautiful opportunity of being friend to a person GOD will like to b one...n for GOD's sake...if u cant love him...dont hate him..."
sweety u need not 2 bother wat others think abt u..u r d best person i hav ever met in my whole life..N if any1 wants u 2 change 4 his friendship dat cant b ur good friend..friends should accept u as u r not d way they want 2 c u..dont change urself 4 others
I don’t think so that people around you don’t like you and as far as I am concerned I liked you at the first byte, byte because we met through internet only. But reading the comments that your friends have written and also going through testimonials, I guess it’s a white lie that people don’t like you. It’s just a matter of perception, so change your opinion about people around you.
It’s true that with every passing moment, with every passing hour and with every passing day we change…and change is inevitable. And I guess change is wonderful, change always brings good even at times when we think that our life is in a mess and the world seems to fall apart….when you look at things in retrospect and try to analyze the past and all the events that have occurred in the past you would find out that the change was energizing, stimulating, inspiring and thought provoking.
And last but not the least you might have said it million times that you only write when you have to but please take cognizance of what I am saying here, there are not very many people in this world who are gifted with perceptive mind and good writing skills, you have both, so pick up a pen and paper and start writing right away….
The response I promised :)
hey man..u ve reached at the right point of finally..gud..ofcourse why do u get bother becuz f others..u know d ppl f dis world ll be back to u when u ll be at any height of suucess..that u can achieve just by hearin ur innerself..
otherwise they will keep hurting u..n ll be a stone in way..likin dislikin is others work..our work is just hearin our innerself n do d best widout hurtin others..kyoo
June 08, 2006
If you know yourself, does it matter if too many people like you or not?
I believe one needs to place the centre of gravity of one's happiness within oneself and not on outside sources.
We all need to keep learning and evolving and evolving does not always mean 'change' in the way we most often take it to be. I think words like 'change' and 'compromise' has different meanings for different people. At the end of the day, all that matters is what you are comfortable with....
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