The biggest irony of life …….well the biggest farce played out on all humans is the belief that life has a greater meaning and a greater cause. When we are young and all, we are told that you have to search for that “Greater Cause”. Textbooks and textbooks and millions of pages are written and taught and chewed and spit till they almost become a cliché. The words telling us about life’s of great men and woman who supposedly “ Found “ that greater calling of there lives.
Plato , Einstein, Madame Curie, Napoleon, Iacocca and a million others who lived for a greater good and a greater cause.
We keep on believing and we keep on looking for that greater cause all throughout our lives. Believing that one day we will find that elixir of life, the alchemist’s gold and things will suddenly change for us. Even I am the one who kept believing that and kept searching for it. Until recently I was watching this movie, “wonder Boys”, where the guys says once, “Life is something that happens to us when we are looking for something else”
Well I could habve dismissed the thoughts that followed like any other thought provoking ideas are auto filtered in my system but then again on a closer introspection I found that these 23 odd years, in which I have been trying to stay alive, more then 15 were spent creating tools which one day will help me make a career in the future, then next 5 were spent specializing the tools which one day will help me to get in the “future” and possible land a good, decent and high paying job. And then the next 2-3 years I was tryng to make a career which will one day help me settle down in the “ future” and now recently the latest thing on ma mind is, retirement planning and my “future” kids education plans. Well and if I count in all the holidays, being sick, attending family functions and all, then I guess the total will come to around 365 odd days. So one out of 23 years, I actually was living. Doing the things I want to do. Watching the green leaves, doing nothing and basically feeling alive. Extrapolate that a bit and if I manage to stay alive till another say 40 years I will die a very sad man coz I would have lived for only around 3-4 odd years. So 56 years of toil so that I can live for just 4 years.
All this time I keep on living in the future when I am loosing out the life that is tickling away right here right now. The life I can spend being happy about today, about here and about now. If only I can detach my mind from 2010, I may notice all the reasons I have to be happy right now. Alll the tiny little details that are around me which can make me happy right here in this moment. I guess its like a veil over my eyes and in moments like this when this veil is suddenly lifted I find as if everything is “ok”.
All of a sudden things become so beautiful. And almost in the same instant all this weight that I feel in my head is lifted. And I feel so alive again. But then in a moment the cell phone rings and there is some one giving me a 1 lakh rupee loan, or maybe one of ma friends wants to share his career planning with me, or maybe it’s the mobile phone company reminding me of my overdue bills. And then the moment is lost and trust me no matter how hard I try it does not come back too often..
Well I got inspired by my own writing and I decided to come and sit outside in the balcony, outside the 4 walls I spend my life in. The walls remain almost the same. The location keeps on changing. One point of time I am confined in the four walls of my house and in the next moment I move to rthe four walls of my office. And if maybe I need a change I go to see the walls of a restraunt. But like I said the walls remain more or less the same. . Well that’s my life for now.
Anyways coming back to the point. I guess education should be modified a bit and there should be a different subject called “life” which should teach you how to live. How to make mistakes and learn from them. How to be a fool and still get by. How not be great and still be happy. It should teach about all the people like Einstein and all and still tell you in bold and underlined text, that Einstein as a kid loved doing what he did as an adult. That Einstein compromised a lot to do what he loved to do. He was not emulating anyone. But he was being an average clerk in a govtt. Office and finding time to live in the moment and do what he loved to do.
How madame curie got cancer doing what she was doing and loving. Had these people been living for the future glory I doubt very much that they would actually have got it. And imagine a “Newton” sitting under the tree and thinking about his next job change, I doubt he would have given a damn if the apple was falling or maybe if the whole damn tree would have fallen. Poor gravity would have got compromised because of someone’s career planning.
Well I am beginning to think that if all these things I am trying to tell you are actually true then what the hell am I doing on this stupid lap top?
He he he he
That’s what life is I suppose. Happy journey anyways!!!!!!!!!!!
Plato , Einstein, Madame Curie, Napoleon, Iacocca and a million others who lived for a greater good and a greater cause.
We keep on believing and we keep on looking for that greater cause all throughout our lives. Believing that one day we will find that elixir of life, the alchemist’s gold and things will suddenly change for us. Even I am the one who kept believing that and kept searching for it. Until recently I was watching this movie, “wonder Boys”, where the guys says once, “Life is something that happens to us when we are looking for something else”
Well I could habve dismissed the thoughts that followed like any other thought provoking ideas are auto filtered in my system but then again on a closer introspection I found that these 23 odd years, in which I have been trying to stay alive, more then 15 were spent creating tools which one day will help me make a career in the future, then next 5 were spent specializing the tools which one day will help me to get in the “future” and possible land a good, decent and high paying job. And then the next 2-3 years I was tryng to make a career which will one day help me settle down in the “ future” and now recently the latest thing on ma mind is, retirement planning and my “future” kids education plans. Well and if I count in all the holidays, being sick, attending family functions and all, then I guess the total will come to around 365 odd days. So one out of 23 years, I actually was living. Doing the things I want to do. Watching the green leaves, doing nothing and basically feeling alive. Extrapolate that a bit and if I manage to stay alive till another say 40 years I will die a very sad man coz I would have lived for only around 3-4 odd years. So 56 years of toil so that I can live for just 4 years.
All this time I keep on living in the future when I am loosing out the life that is tickling away right here right now. The life I can spend being happy about today, about here and about now. If only I can detach my mind from 2010, I may notice all the reasons I have to be happy right now. Alll the tiny little details that are around me which can make me happy right here in this moment. I guess its like a veil over my eyes and in moments like this when this veil is suddenly lifted I find as if everything is “ok”.
All of a sudden things become so beautiful. And almost in the same instant all this weight that I feel in my head is lifted. And I feel so alive again. But then in a moment the cell phone rings and there is some one giving me a 1 lakh rupee loan, or maybe one of ma friends wants to share his career planning with me, or maybe it’s the mobile phone company reminding me of my overdue bills. And then the moment is lost and trust me no matter how hard I try it does not come back too often..
Well I got inspired by my own writing and I decided to come and sit outside in the balcony, outside the 4 walls I spend my life in. The walls remain almost the same. The location keeps on changing. One point of time I am confined in the four walls of my house and in the next moment I move to rthe four walls of my office. And if maybe I need a change I go to see the walls of a restraunt. But like I said the walls remain more or less the same. . Well that’s my life for now.
Anyways coming back to the point. I guess education should be modified a bit and there should be a different subject called “life” which should teach you how to live. How to make mistakes and learn from them. How to be a fool and still get by. How not be great and still be happy. It should teach about all the people like Einstein and all and still tell you in bold and underlined text, that Einstein as a kid loved doing what he did as an adult. That Einstein compromised a lot to do what he loved to do. He was not emulating anyone. But he was being an average clerk in a govtt. Office and finding time to live in the moment and do what he loved to do.
How madame curie got cancer doing what she was doing and loving. Had these people been living for the future glory I doubt very much that they would actually have got it. And imagine a “Newton” sitting under the tree and thinking about his next job change, I doubt he would have given a damn if the apple was falling or maybe if the whole damn tree would have fallen. Poor gravity would have got compromised because of someone’s career planning.
Well I am beginning to think that if all these things I am trying to tell you are actually true then what the hell am I doing on this stupid lap top?
He he he he
That’s what life is I suppose. Happy journey anyways!!!!!!!!!!!
hey dodo.... as i have always said that u r too clear and amazing with ur thoughts and to add the magic to them this words do the rest as seen out here.....
u have very rightly said and i agree to the fact that in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.... it is something really impossible to live for others or u can say that find the right reason to live ur life...
i even agree that had the people u mentioned not thot too deeply into various other aspects of life they wud not have contributed to wat they gave us but u can never pass the fact that they enjoyed each and every bit of their life.. so all in all i wud say that life is merely ur perception of the way u want to lead it.... basically in other words would like to say this as Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living..... so the freedom to do ur work be it u sitting idle on ur laptop or thinking about the laws of gravity or anything else we enjoy doing porduces output and productivity... in ur case u came out with such a beautiful piece of writing... afterall ife is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed....
love u a lot ...
keep writing... i'll for sure b there to comment even if i m not such a gud critic.....
I was simply giving a glance on the writing but as i moved on i was getting engrossed in the flow of thoughts......i must say IT WAS THOUGHT PROVOKING.
It is a hidden fact that we materialistic people not realise early.... wat exactly we are getting out of our lives.
The way u weaved ur thots into words is amazing.
It can b seen how deep is the process of thinking.and on top of that it is good to realise wat is ultimate aim of our being.
i agree on most of the points with u...but wud like to say living a LIFE is an ART.And life itself a gr8 teacher.
An individual ,by behaviour,needs SECURITY,it is so natural that he wants to plan out to avoid sense of insecurity ...on professional front and personal as well.All complexities crop up frm this simple but crucial fact.All the thoughts and mental pressures ,and confusions owe their existence to the word "perfection".
There is no harm in giving the right direction to your life but all you need is to pay a little heed to your conscience,and then selct the best progressive direction.last but not the least the elixir of life is the right purpose as u want to say if am right.And this can b achieved but stiking a right balance between mind ,body and soul.
well..very very deep...
and very enlightening..
as Forrest Gump's mother said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. U never know what u gonna get."
So its futile to waste ur life plAnning. U never know wts life is gonna hand it to u. bUT WTVR IT IS.. it is wts best fr u.
keep goin..
i do agree with u that u never know wat u r gonna get in life but then that does not mean that u should stop planning.. it actually forms a basis that wen u consider all the ifs and buts u r going to face in ur life how r u gonna handle them... but ya do not compromise ur happiness and satisfaction due to it....
embrace life with bith arms open and try to live each and every moment... it wont be so difficult to that and besides u'll surely need not plan too mush as u'll start accepting life the way it is... and try to improve it and mould it the way u want to....
Grt thoughts anyways....
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