A Long time back I promised a friend of mine, that I will be writing a piece for a popular newspaper he work in, "The Economic Times". He's been at my back like a goose monkey ever since, but I am too lazy to write anyways. But today he told me to at least put it on the blog. This for you Mr. Anand.
"The Metaphor of flow is one that many people have used to describe the sense of effortless action they feel in moments that stand out as best in their lives. It is the full involvement of flow, rather than happiness that makes for excellence in life. We can be happy experiencing the passive pleasures of a rested body, cool environs, or the contentment of serene relationships, but this kind of happiness depends on favorable external circumstances also. I am led to believe that this is applicable as well to the economy of a country as well. The economy of a country is a real indicator of how people feel content and secure in the system. The more people flow with the systems put in place, the more that translates into GDP growth. An example will help here. There are so many institutions in a country; all of them have to be in sync in order to have a stable growth. The stock markets will not be growing when the Military is in a high state of readiness. Or the schools will not be able to flow, if the industry is not showing any promises for employment. Or there will be no use for Stock markets when, the country even lacks the basic infrastructure. So what makes the whole economy go in a proper synchronization, so that an effortless flow is established, that leads to high growth numbers?
I believe that the real catalyst for that to happen is a Leadership in which each and every citizen believes in. A leadership towards which people can look up with a promise and a positive expectation of growth and security. Till that is achieved I feel it is improbable that the whole nation can be made to grow in that karmic Flow, leading to ever increasing economic and social growth"
Now, Alok, I know this is all crap and I have been telling you this from a long time. But his is the best I could come up with. I can confess that I just wrote it in 5-10 minutes, while you have been waiting for almost 15 days now. Sorry chums, but I write for my own pleasure man. And I will strangle you if you even once more asked me to write a book. That will probably put my picture on the front page of your paper "A Mad Blogger Strangles a Journalist".
See ya dude.
Do not have much knowledge about economy leave aside expertise. But yes, can say this for certain..."unless people really start sharing and not just keeping/accumulating selfishly, real growth is a far distant dream"..."improbable" as you've said....
Keep writing Mac...you never know what shall emerge!!! :)
Read what you've written dude. I told you, you could write. We don't have to prove our perfection to anyone, but keep learning by doing things instead. You're an a** if you don't want such things to be published.
But then, I do like my a** for the very things he does (or doesn't do)!!
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