As a kid there were a few times, when I used to be totally completely lost. Too afraid from the world and what it had in store for me. Times like these, the whole world used to cave in around me. I used to feel so utterly lost and so eternally lost. Then I used to cry, there was no one around me who could understand what was going on.
But then when tears were all dried up, and my eyes swollen, I used to have this lovely feeling. Feeling of a hand touching my forehead. “Everything is going to be all right. Hang On! Everything is going to be fine” And then I used to feel so blissfully light. And everything made sense in those few seconds. I had just discovered my guardian angel. He never left my side. He was always there when I needed him. I used to call him “Amato Yoshi”. I really do not have an idea where that name came from, but whenever I felt lost Amato was there. Holding my hand and telling me that it’s going to be fine. Through the years as I got more engrossed in the life around me, I lost track of him. Amato Yoshi, my eternal angel slipped into the darkness. I no longer hear his voice. Now whenever I am afraid or lost or lonely, I read a novel, or watch a movie and I go off to sleep. And he never talks to me. He never tells me that I am better then I think I am. The reason why I remember him today is, that I was watching “City of Angels”. And if you have seen it I do not think I have to say anything else. But my Amato has left me lonely. I wonder he is still around me watching me, and trying to talk to me. How many times we ignore that faint voice in our heads? How many times we loose our angels?
Please i need to hear from you people about this or i might as well never write again. I am loosing direction folks i need you to tell me what you think about your angels.
Hold on, pause for a moment, LOOK around you and you'll find your 'Amato Yoshi' right by your side!!! Its just that in the years gone by you have been so engrossed in yourself that you forgot your 'Amato Yoshi' and YOU do not recognize him/her now!! BUT your 'Amato Yoshi' is there with you always COMFORTING you, CONSOLING you...
With YOU always...
Cheer up!!!
Well, you never told me about that one, wookie. Anyway, I was gonna say the same thing that "moment" said. Stand still and just let the angel's voice reach you. Remember I'd asked you to Siddhartha once again? I'm sure you haven't. Please do. You'll get all your answers, you already know them.
Perhaps your friends are your new angels
I agree that angels are all around us, but how do you explain that feeling of lonliness that creeps onto you, even when you are doing nothing at all.
Maybe one day when i find the answers to all my questions, i will laugh about it, but how do you survive the lonliness?
I guess you need to be lonely once in a while to appreciate those whom you share your life with.
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