Every Choice, every step every smallest opportunity when u exercise your free will, matters. And it would seem to me that the universe is so good to balance everything out that it kind of remembers where you are at and where have you arrived.
And I have arrived.
From hurt and pain, and remorse and guilt and severed ties, i Have Arrived.
But i am angel who has arrived .....with a bloody ASS.
How? lemme explain.
It would seem that by some electoplasmic siesmic technology my ass is bonded to this universe. The moment you try and take a pick and you CHOOSE, WHAAAAAMMMMMM !!! the whole universe comes down at ya. Ok ! Wise Guy!!!! now you want this huh??? ok.....here is the price. Pay it or leave.
SO i Pay. I pay in kind and i Pay with stuff that was at some level precious to me.So you keep on paying till you have all that you desire? But in all through the process you end up with a bloddy ass.....either it has something to do with getting what you wanted and there is this intengible effect of all that you do.
But i get so paranoid when i begin to write. Its like something snaps in my head and says what they hell man!!!! what is the point of putting down all this bullshit. No one is going to read it anyways.
But then i know i have to do it. Coz there is something inside my head which will chew my insides out, if i do not get this out.
so here is the deal.
If you believe that since i have chosen what i think is the best for me, if i have asked for MY best at this moment and if u feel you got trampled in the process, then you were standing in the wrong way.
This life is MINE. The choices i make are mine. Where i end up is, for me to decide. And in no way or in no time did i sign a deed where i gave anyone the responibility or the right to Choose or Decide for me. That choice is for me to make.
And if when and where i make that choice and u see me walking away, dun pray that i get a bloody ass. This is my first nature, ADVERSITY. This is what i thrive on.
And this IS MY LIFE.