One of the many things given to us on this planet is “Free Will”. Well, contextually, that means that all the time we can decide what we do. That essentially translates into, “Choices”. I was talking to a friend of mine who have had a particularly painful experience in the past. That got me into thinking that how “Free”, is actually this “Free Will” we talk about.
Everyday there are so many events and people who trigger numerous reactions in us. We feel pain when we loose someone we love, we feel happy when we meet someone we cherish, a careless driver on the road pisses us off, a person voicing his opinion on something might offend us, so many of them to name here. And many of these we feel, consciously and many of them keep on going at a Subconscious level. But, then what are these reactions. I believe they are nothing but our own “CHOICES”, to be hurt, to be happy, to be dazzled, to be confused and so on.
But why do we choose to get hurt. Well, that needs some explanation here. We choose to get hurt, because we need the lessons that come out of that turmoil in life. There are always more than two ways to look at a thing. For instance, if my Girl friend runs away with my brother tomorrow, I can choose to feel devastated and break his neck, or I may even thank him for opening new options for me. Or maybe if I am not getting a job and I feel bitter at things I could have been doing then maybe instead of choosing to feel lost, can’t I “Choose” to feel, that I still have a whole array of options in front of me? Or let’s take a simple example, why do we not choose to feel hurt when we see a lovely lady? Cry over the fact that how beautiful she is and bemoan the fact that someone else will go to bed with her tonight? Well, choices, choices, choices………..
But the question is that why we make certain choices which we do not really want to make. I guess that is where the real catch lies. The thing is that the “Free will” is not at all free. It’s rather “Conditioned Will”. And this conditioning starts the moment we are born. The teachers at school tell you that if you do not read or study you are bad. Mom tells us, you cannot jump over the wall. It will hurt. Books teach us History, Emotions; Shakespeare tells us what to feel when Juliet is separated from Romeo. So in essence, slowly over the time we stop making the choices we are given. We start living a life in which all responses are conditioned by History Classes. And we start living a life by default. Not ever realizing that the leash of happiness, and of life, lies in our hands. We can live the happiest most fulfilling life, simply by choosing that.
Well, actually the thing is that it is 3 AM here and I just “chose” to write the worst entry in my blog. So here I am writing something with one of my eyes closed. Anyways if you do make something out of this, do let me know. Remember its all A CHOICE, Your’s and mine :) :) :) :)